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2011-08-12The car horn and repair the cause of the problem

Line fault line up for virtual, such as: the speaker terminals loose, horn relays plug contacts in ablation, steering wheel contact switches etc. Horn But in many speakers in winter, especially the pr...

2011-08-12How to select the auto car stereo speakers

Speakers called horn, its function is to convert audio signal to noise signal and the surrounding air medium radiation.

2011-08-12Ruian Kaisheng Automotive Electrical Co., finished

Ruian Kaisheng Automotive Electrical Co.,Ltd. website to complete a warm welcome customers to discuss cooperation, Tel:86 -0577-82580712 The company mainly produces auto horn, snail horn, etc.

2011-08-12Difference between car speakers and home appliances speaker

Although more and more popular car audio, but there are many owners mistakenly believe that car speakers and home appliances is the same speaker, in fact, between them there is a considerable differen...

2011-08-12Electric horn sound adjustment

Automotive electric horn sound testing, we found that the main failure is the poor speaker sound quality and volume. Adjustment, should first check whether the formation of clean contacts

2011-08-12Car speakers using the Notes

1. Remember when washing to prevent the speakers get wet, the water found in speakers with the wind as soon as the gun dry. 2. Try not always long horn, horn contacts so easily lead to premature erosi...

2011-08-12Car horn sound hoarse why?

Car horn sounds more hoarse due to bad plugs, especially around the steering wheel all contacts, the use of frequent, easy contact wear.

2011-08-12Horn works

When pressed on the steering wheel horn button or other location when the current from the battery flows through the circuit of the electromagnetic coil on the horn relay

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